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As a wee young thing my mum used to send me to ballet lessons. A bittersweet pill I recall because while I disliked immensely ballet, I used to love the tap dance and jazz dance classes which followed. One of the reasons why I hated...
If the Taleban were a product PR companies would be studying their tactics. Because they’ve certainly got massive “brand awareness”. Aside from al-Qaida (and maybe not even them), they’re surely the most talked about armed group in the...
I’m in the unusual position of being sunburned in Scotland, after spending yesterday at the Comedians vs Critics football match at Edinburgh’s Meadowbank stadium. The final scoreline was 3-2 to the comedians and both teams played their...
Salil Shetty is the new secretary of Amnesty International and he comes from India.
Great day today as the comedians vanquished their opponents at Amnesty’s “comedians vs critics football match” today at Edinburgh’s Meadowbank stadium. What’s more it was SUNNY in SCOTLAND, a rare occurrence. I am even sunburned! The...