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Feb 18 2015 12:01PM
Silencing the people of the Chittagong Hills

The Indigenous people of the Chittagong Hills (CHT) are forbidden to talk to outsiders without security forces being present according to a new Bangladesh Government directive. ‘Outsiders’ includes people of their own country as well...

Feb 18 2015 12:00AM
Pakistan - Aware Girls promote human rights

I recently visited Pakistan where I worked with a human rights organisation called Aware Girls, founded more than a decade ago by two sisters called Gulalai and Saba Ismail. Aware Girls is based in Peshawar, a sprawling city in the...

Feb 16 2015 8:54PM
UPDATE: Iran due to execute child offender

In November we asked you t o take action on behalf of Saman Naseem – a young Iranian man sentenced to death for offences allegedly committed when he was just 17 years old. It now appears that Saman could be executed as early as this...

Feb 16 2015 1:17AM
Cupid gets away with wearing a blindfold… but justice needs perfect vision.

Cupid is especially busy on Valentine’s Day, but his methods leave much to chance. The mischievous love god blindfolds himself before firing his arrow through a new lover’s heart. An indiscriminate approach, but those arrows are pretty...

Feb 13 2015 5:34PM
'Awaiting my execution': Stop Saman's execution

Update, 10 March: After thousands of you around the world took action in February, it's now clear Saman's scheduled execution never took place on 19 February. For several days after Saman's scheduled execution date, no information came...