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Apr 19 2013 6:25AM
Chinese Authorities Must Release Activists, End Escalating Crackdown on Free Expression

Chinese Authorities Must Release Activists, End Escalating Crackdown on Free Expression on Apr 19, 2013 (Chinese Human Rights Defenders, April 19 2013) – Police in China have begun detaining activists, lawyers, and ordinary citizens in...

Apr 19 2013 6:20AM
[CHRB] Courts Sentence 12 Tibetans on Trumped-up Charges (April 11-18, 2013)

[CHRB] Courts Sentence 12 Tibetans on Trumped-up Charges (April 11-18, 2013) on Apr 18, 2013 China Human Rights Briefing April 11-18, 2013 Contents Arbitrary Detention Qinghai Courts Sentence 12 Tibetans for “Inciting Splittism,”...

Apr 18 2013 8:16PM
Bike for Rights – Ganesh’s big adventure

Ganesh Pandey is something of a cycling superhero. In his native Nepal, he and his family faced terrible poverty wrapping chocolates for a mere 20-30 rupees (20-30 pence) a day. Recalling such adversity, Ganesh pays tribute to his...

Apr 17 2013 1:20PM
Kirk Bloodsworth, Maryland - freed from death row by DNA evidence

“I can tell you that 28 years later, I killed the thing that almost killed me. It was the most gratifying thing I’ve ever felt in my life. No innocent man will ever be convicted and sentenced to death again. Not in my state.” Kirk...

Apr 17 2013 12:03PM
Military and police heavily involved in enforced disappearances

Mexico like many countries is plagued by corruption, discrimination against indigenous people and huge income inequality. After all the richest person in the world, Carlos Slim, is Mexican. But Mexico has something else--the drug war...