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Apr 27 2011 5:47PM
Womens rights abuses in India begin in childhood

*Posted by Frances* A few weeks ago I went to the screening of acclaimed filmmaker Kim Longinotto's ‘Pink Saris’ at the Human Rights Action Centre. Many thanks to the Women’s Action Network for highlighting the important issue of...

Apr 27 2011 4:06PM
Oh Guantánamo, up yours!

The Steve Bell cartoon in the Guardian today depicts President Obama in an orange jumpsuit being dragged off by Guantánamo guards to an uncertain fate … Indefinite detention? Interrogation? Torture? Powerful, arresting stuff. The idea...

Apr 26 2011 10:38PM
U.S. Must Give Teeth to Human Rights Dialogue with Chinese Government

(Chinese Human Rights Defenders, April 26, 2011) The two-day U.S.-China human rights dialogue will convene tomorrow in Beijing, despite worries by human rights activists about the hazards of repeating an exercise which allows both...

Apr 26 2011 5:06PM
Andrew Marr and Ban Ki-moon come clean

Today was a day of publishing the previously unpublished. Andrew Marr elected to come out and reveal his identity as one of the unproud owners of a super injunction, and declared his intention to abandon any further attempts at gagging...

Apr 26 2011 9:46AM
Protest at human rights abuses in Swaziland: the King is coming to the wedding

King Mswati III of Swaziland is the last feudal monarch of an African country, and he presides over a country with the highest rates of HIV/AIDS in the world, where 80% of the population live in absolute poverty and political...