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Mar 14 2011 1:39PM
Torture: a nudge is as good as a wink

A nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat, as Monty Python’s Eric Idle once said . And I think I know what he means. So, when former Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf pops up on TV to talk about how as a national leader you need...

Mar 11 2011 4:53PM
16 down, 34 to go!

Governor Pat Quinn’s decision to abolish the death penalty across Illinois couldn’t have come a moment too soon. Particularly for the 15 men who were on death row across the US state. The mid-western state – for which President Obama...

Mar 10 2011 2:17PM
A fathers plea to Prince Andrew

Amnesty has been campaigning for Eynulla Fətullayev , a wrongly-imprisoned newspaper editor from Azerbaijan, for some time now. Today his father – who has received death threats after campaigning for his son’s release issued an...

Mar 9 2011 10:58PM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  March 1-8, 2011

Highlights Detentions Continue as Police Remain on High Alert over Protest Calls : With anonymous online postings calling for a third round of “Jasmine Revolution” protests this past weekend, police continued to detain and disappear...

Mar 9 2011 10:18PM
Presunto Culpable

Presunto Culpable (Presumed Guilty) is a documentary critical of the Mexican justice system . It centres on the case of a young man accused of murder. An appeals court has now declared that it is wrong to prevent the film being shown...