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Mar 2 2011 10:50PM
Letter written by Iranian women activists to UN General Sec

Honourable Ban Ki-moon United Nations General Secretary Cc: Honourable Madam Navanethem Pillay United Nations High Commissionaire for Human Rights Members of the United Nations Human Rights Council 1 March 2011 Appeal to free Ms Zahra...

Mar 2 2011 10:48PM
Letter written by a number of Iranian women activists and their supporters to Ban Ki-moon

Honourable Ban Ki-moon United Nations General Secretary Cc: Honourable Madam Navanethem Pillay United Nations High Commissionaire for Human Rights Members of the United Nations Human Rights Council 1 March 2011 Appeal to free Ms Zahra...

Mar 2 2011 6:06PM
Pakistan minorities minister assassinated: A death foretold

Members of minority groups in Pakistan lost a brave advocate, when the minister for minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti, was murdered by three gunmen on his way to work today. He foresaw his own murder, and said he was prepared to face that...

Mar 2 2011 11:16AM
Ask Malta to give asylum to Libyan pilots who did the right thing have a petition urging the Maltese government to grant asylum to two Libyan pilots who refused to bomb civilians in Libya. Their likely punishment if they returned to Libya could be execution.

Mar 2 2011 9:05AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  February 23-28, 2011

Highlights Pressure on Activists Intensifies; Six Criminal Detentions Confirmed: Police continued to clamp down on human rights defenders across the country in response to another round of anonymous calls for “Jasmine Revolution”...