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Feb 7 2011 6:06PM
Egypt: the screams of individuals clearly being beaten

By degrees it’s slipping out of the headlines, but the Egypt story is still hugely important for anyone who cares about human rights in Egypt and the wider region. With “normality” breaking out in terms of some people going back to...

Feb 7 2011 11:00AM
Stand in solidarity and defiance with those demanding change

Follow the event live on our blog Update: The rallies are going ahead as planned As mass anti-govermment protests continue in Egypt and across several other countries in the Middle East and North Africa, join us for a global day of...

Feb 5 2011 6:04PM
Uncontacted tribe given protection by Peru's government

John Vidal says in his Environment Blog for the Guardian that the widely circulated recent photos of an uncontacted Amazonian tribe have at last led to the Peruvian government taking action. Survival International campaigns for tribal...

Feb 4 2011 7:45PM
China: Long-standing Uighur grievances behind repeated protests must be addressed

February 5 marks the 14thanniversary of a violent crackdown on peaceful Uighur protesters by securityforces in the city of Gulja (In Chinese: Yining), in the Xinjiang UighurAutonomous Region (XUAR) in China’s far-West. On 5 February...

Feb 4 2011 4:37PM
Egypt Journalists and human rights monitors (including Amnesty's) under threat

Protests continue in Cairo and elsewhere in Egypt (not to mention elsewhere in North Africa and the Middle East) with ‘hundreds of thousands’ of people in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. The Guardian’s live update i s saying that there have...