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Feb 2 2011 1:42PM
Belarus: protesters attacked by Dinosaur

Maja Abramchik is a 21-year-old student from Belarus. On 19 December last year, when she heard that there were protests about the disputed election, Maja and her friends went down to Minsk’s main square to see what was happening...

Feb 1 2011 2:12PM
Could Sudan soon carry the scent of jasmine?

So as the Tunisian scent of jasmine wafts its way across Egypt and Yemen, speculation is growing as to whether this pungent aroma could be heading south. Many – including Amnesty – have speculated that the recent uprisings across...

Feb 1 2011 11:00AM
A death foretold

David Kato (right) at Copenhague Pride 2010 On Wednesday 26 January, I was at a meeting in Brussels with other Amnesty colleagues from across Europe. It was there that I heard the news that David Kato had been brutally murdered. David...

Feb 1 2011 11:00AM
Sleeping Out

Towards the end of February, between the 21st and 27th, around 1000 Amnesty and STAR activists will be taking to the streets with their sleeping bags and spending an uncomfortable night on the pavement. We’re doing this to highlight...

Jan 31 2011 1:34PM
Fire in Cairo: human rights reforms are the cure for Egypts ills

Over the weekend Sky’s Tim Marshall tweeted from Egypt with the words “Burn like a fire in Cairo”, a line - as trainspotter-ish indie music types will tell you - that comes from The Cure’s “Fire In Cairo”, a song from their 1979 debut...