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Jan 20 2011 7:55AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly   January 11-18, 2011

Highlights U.S. Must Deliver on Promise of Making Human Rights the Guiding Principle of its China Policy: In a statement this week, CHRD urged President Obama to send a strong and clear public message during meetings with Chinese...

Jan 19 2011 3:20PM
Baby Doc, in the dock

The media swarm over the first anniversary of the Haiti earthquake had begun to quell, when in waltzed the former dictator who had made a run for it 25 years ago amid the fierce protests which finally put pay to his tyrannical rule...

Jan 18 2011 2:02PM
13-year-old Jordan Brown at risk of life imprisonment without parole in the USA

*Posted on behalf of Frances* Amnesty International continues its campaign calling on the prosecution to drop its pursuit of trial in an adult court for 13-year-old Jordan Brown. Jordan Brown is accused of murdering his father's...

Jan 18 2011 1:27PM
Gaza: growing new teeth for justice

For the second day running, I’m kicking off a post with a @jrug (C4 News’ Jonathan Rugman) tweet (hey, he gives good tweet!), sent while covering the upheaval in Tunisia: “Israeli journo covering Tunis protests: ‘They shout Palestinian...

Jan 18 2011 12:57PM
U.S. Must Deliver on Promise of Making Human Rights the Guiding Principle of its China Policy

(Chinese Human RightsDefenders, January 17, 2011) In a speech beforethe United Nations last fall, President Obamaemphasized that “part of theprice of our own freedom is standing up for thefreedom of others,” statingthat “this belief...