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Dec 14 2010 6:28PM
The laughing Sudanese policeman

As even the occasional reader of my posts may have noticed, I like to slip in the odd musical reference. It’s a foible of mine. Anyway, here it is. When I was young (long, long ago) I always seemed to be hearing so-called “novelty...

Dec 14 2010 11:00AM
10,000 radios for Burma – thank you

With the help of your incredible generosity we have managed to raise enough money to send the next batch of much needed radios into Burma. You helped us reach our target: • £125,000 was raised • 10,000 radios will be distributed across...

Dec 12 2010 2:29PM
Torture, Saudi Arabia.

Please read this story I did for The Scotsman newspaper. It tells the story of an innocent Briton tortured in Saudi Arabia and his ten year fight for justice.…...

Dec 10 2010 2:58PM
Iran Sakineh stoning - another TV 'confession' hampers justice yet further

A confusing night last night for those of us following the case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the woman still facing execution by stoning (or hanging) in Iran for the ‘crime’ of adultery. Reports first said that she may have been...

Dec 9 2010 1:57PM
The UN must investigate urgently

Revelation, exposition, naming and shaming, turfing up the past- this is the stuff that has dominated the news over the last weeks since WikiLeaks started to gradually and systematically haemorrhage its latest haul of content. Yet...