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Dec 7 2010 1:22PM
Free Liu Xiaobo and prisoners of conscience action in London on eve of Human Rights Day

On Thursday 9 December at 1.00pm, representatives ofChinese, Uighur Tibetan Solidarity UK (CUTS UK) will be delivering a large replicaNobel Peace Prize medal to the Chinese Embassy in London. This action is takingplace to highlight the...

Dec 7 2010 12:23PM
Ramze Shihab Ahmed: lost in Iraqs chaotic justice system

Here’s a question for you. What were you doing on 7 December 2009? Come on, I’ll have to hurry you. (Have a think about it and let me know later). OK, silly question, but I’m asking because exactly one year ago the UK-Iraqi dual...

Dec 6 2010 11:53AM
Wake up to the reality of caning

How can anyone anywhere justify torture? It just absolutely baffles me. This morning, we launched a report into caning in Malaysia with an accompanying video. Caning may be a legacy of British rule, but the UK ditched the practice...

Dec 3 2010 1:34PM
The World Cup. Falling foul of the rules (and we're not talking offside)

I have been known to complain bitterly to my colleagues when we look at what’s in the media each day about the prominence of what I describe as “sport purporting to be news”. The one that really got to me was Pakistan cricket in the...

Dec 2 2010 9:18PM
women in Iran: victims of an unjust law

Shahla Jahed, second temoporary wife of footballer, Naser Mohammed Khani, who was sentenced to death by hanging for murdering Laleh Saharkhizan, Mohammed Khani's first official wife was hanged at the Evin Prison early Wednsday morning...