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Nov 19 2010 1:54PM
Blasphemy execution for Christian Pakistani woman

There has been a lot of debate around about the justification of blasphemy laws in the media this week as a result of the news of the death sentence passed on the Pakistani Christian woman, Aasia Bibi. Our Pakistan expert was...

Nov 18 2010 12:57PM
On your own head tweet it

Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words posted on what is well known to be a social forum where satire, sarcasm and flippancy are staple features of any utterance, can never lead to a criminal conviction. So goes a new take on...

Nov 18 2010 12:00PM
Converging yet again on Fort Benning for peace and justice

School of the Americas Watch (SOAW) is again organising for thousands to converge at the gates of Fort Benning in Georgia, USA, to protest peacefully from 19 to 21 November. The call is for the closure of the School of the Americas or...

Nov 17 2010 3:19PM
Was Deep Sea the engaging setting?

Over the past few days Amnesty’s press phones have been hot. Calls for interviews and comment about the release of Aung San Suu Kyi came thick and fast on Friday and Saturday. The release of the Chandlers sparked a few calls for us on...

Nov 17 2010 6:07AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  November 10-15, 2010

Highlights Children’s Rights Advocate Zhao Lianhai Sentenced to Two and a Half Years in Prison : Zhao Lianhai (赵连海), founder of the website Kidney Stone Babies and a leading figure among parents seeking justice after their children...