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Nov 7 2010 6:40PM
Child Trafficking.

Here's a story I did for Scotland On Sunday today about child trafficking to the UK. The article focuses on the particularly disturbing story of a Nigerian girl trafficked to Scotland recently.

Nov 7 2010 10:59AM
Peaceful protest in Paris - not permitted

You might think that in France the right to peaceful protest would be respected. No, not if the protest might irritate Hu Jintao , the visiting Chinese leader. The protestors were urging the release of Liu Xiaobo, awarded the Nobel...

Nov 7 2010 9:18AM
Open Letter to David Cameron and Nick Clegg

To: Rt Hon David Cameron MP To: Rt. Hon. Nick Clegg MP CC: Members of Parliament and Citizens in the world 06 November 2010 Dear Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minster, I am a former political prisoner from China living in exilein...

Nov 5 2010 5:18PM
Remember, remember the 7th of November

As regular readers of this blog no doubt you will, but lest we forget, this coming Sunday Burma will hold its first election in 20 years. It doesn’t take a psychic octopus (which is just as well ) to predict the outcome of this race...

Nov 4 2010 1:56PM
Indonesia in the media

There was plenty of media attention today on Indonesia. It focused on the erupting volcano , the displacement of up to 50,000 people, deaths from flash flooding and landslides , and an emergency landing for a Quantas aircraft. This did...