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Sep 15 2010 6:54PM
A '------- --------' [please fill in as appropriate] foreign policy: will Hague fill the gap?

“Ethical” foreign policy. Putting human rights “at the heart of” our foreign policy. Successive foreign secretaries have promoted – or end up being associating with – foreign policies with particular labels. Judging by early reaction...

Sep 15 2010 10:31AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  September 7-13, 2010

Highlights Fujian Village Chief Tried on Trumped-up Charges, Lawyer Harassed: In retaliation for his efforts to organize local villagers against unlawful land expropriation, officials in Fujian Province arrested village chief Lü...

Sep 14 2010 1:50PM
Some welcome news for campaigners against stoning in Iran

Is the international outcry, against Iran sentencing Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani to be stoned to death, having an impact? It’s what has kept her alive, according to a story in the Times today. They report that Hossein Alizadeh, an...

Sep 13 2010 10:12PM
AI: Blind Chinese human rights activist remains under surveillance

13 September 2010 Amnesty International has urged the Chinese authorities to end the continued surveillance and harassment of a blind human rights activist, who has been kept under unofficial house arrest since he was released from...

Sep 13 2010 12:00PM
Mercy mission: the case of Ramze Shihab Ahmed

A Briton going on a “mission” to get a relative “out of a foreign jail” is one of those media staples that you see every now and again. These stories can be a little queasy – there’s often a whiff of chauvinism in the standard...