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Sep 2 2010 5:43PM
Walking in a student wonderland

It’s been all go today at the Human Rights Action Centre. The building has been swamped by over 100 student journalists from across the country. The reason? Amnesty and the National Union of Students’ two-day media summit. It’s a...

Sep 2 2010 1:05PM
Reviling the Roma: the new political bloodsport

Is prejudice against Gypsies the last vestige of "acceptable" racism in Britain? Seems to me that it is. Lately I’ve heard acquaintances of mine (including Facebook friends I can’t exactly vouch for) railing against “thieving Gypos”...

Sep 1 2010 5:43PM
Putin and the art of choosing your words carefully

Loose lips sink ships went the old WW2 adage, and Vladimir Putin’s remarks that protestors in Russia who don’t have official permission can expect to be hit over the head can pretty obviously lead if not to sunk ships, then certainly...

Sep 1 2010 9:15AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  August 24-30, 2010

Highlights Villagers Detained over Election Protest: Nine residents of Raolefu Village, located on the outskirts of Beijing, have been detained for participating in a protest on July 27 over the alleged disruption of a village election...

Aug 31 2010 2:34PM
Being locked up for saying the wrong thing

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has at times blurted out an inappropriate remark or two. Never intended to be harmful or malicious, but sometimes it’s just the wrong thing. For example when meeting the brother of one of my friends...