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Jun 3 2010 11:45AM
Incomplete Mailing List of Prisoners of Conscience  in China

For every entry of the list: first line is the name, Secondline is the address.Gao Zhisheng disappeared. Please call on the PLA, CCP and PRC top leaders to allow access to Gao Zhisheng by UN representative. 1:TanZhuoren(谭作人)...

Jun 3 2010 11:01AM
Tiananmen Anniversary Marked by Harassment, Detentions, and Official Silence

(ChineseHumanRights Defenders, June 3, 2010) On the eve of the 21stanniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre, the Chinese government continuesto refuseto openly and truthfully address the events of June 4, 1989, andpersists in itsefforts...

Jun 3 2010 10:06AM
Investigate the attacks properly and end the blockade of Gaza

Avaaz have a petition calling for an international investigation into the attacks on the fleet of ships carrying aid for Gaza and for an end to the blockade. The petition reached 200 000 within 24 hours and more than 400 000 by 6 June...