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May 4 2010 5:54PM
Court quashes government attempts at secrecy over abuse collusion claims

The Court of Appeal ruled today that secret evidence cannot be used in a civil damages claim being brought by six former Guantanamo Bay detainees. It’s a victory for justice, transparency and accountability and hopefully strikes a blow...

May 1 2010 11:37AM

Please see below an interesting article in today's Guardian about a feminist protest group called the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan.…...

Apr 30 2010 4:43PM
Crude accusations

If on the evening of 6 May you've cast your vote (or not) and are in need of respite from election fever, and you’re near Shoreditch then head along to Amnesty’s Human Rights Action Centre for a free screening of Crude. The film...

Apr 30 2010 1:18PM
Laleh Hassanpour, a poet under torture to 'confess'

For a long time, every morning when I opened my Yahoo mail, there came the photo of this beautiful woman along with her latest piece of poetry. Laleh always wore a cap and smiled at you sideways. I never thought she lived in Iran. Her...

Apr 29 2010 4:36PM
The leaders debate: its a racing certainty they wont mention violence against women

I’m not, as the old cliché has it, a betting man (no, no, I’m really not a betting man, hate it …) but …isn’t that Paddy Power bet where you can try to guess which is the first country mentioned in the leaders’ debate wide open to...