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Apr 13 2010 2:49PM
Wheres the real danger zone for giving birth?

The Telegraph today carries a story revealing that pregnant women living in the UK are more likely to die in childbirth or for pregnancy related factors than women in Poland, Hungary or the Czech Republic. This is certainly surprising...

Apr 13 2010 12:42PM
At night, when you close your eyes, think of a woman who never sleeps.

Farangis Khanum Davoudifar, Kaveh Kermanshahi's mother Farangis khanum is 50 years old and mother of two sons although she tragically lost one of them 10 years ago and the other, Kaveh is in prison for over two months. As a young girl...

Apr 12 2010 3:01PM
Union getting active? Just 'transfer' the leaders to Siberia

Imagine that no one in your workplace has been paid overtime since 2007, and that all new jobs coming up are being filled by your boss’s family. You present a collective complaint to management. You show up at work the next day to...

Apr 12 2010 2:13PM
Only fools and horses would ignore human rights during this election

The other day I watched six episodes of TheThick Of It straight off the reel. Now after a l-o-o-o-o-o-ng week of the election campaign. I’m starting to … feel the burn. Probably what’s preventing my head exploding in a Malcolm Tucker...

Apr 12 2010 12:25AM
The world's most dangerous country for journalists was....

In the first quarter of 2010 the most dangerous country in the world for journalists was Honduras , according to Reporters Without Borders.