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May 15 2014 10:50PM
Today in 1989: up to 3000 students refusing food

# 八九六四 # 八九六四二五 # 89june4 # 八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月16日)学生绝食请愿进入第四天,由开始的3百人增加到3千人。前往天安门广场声援的各阶层人士多达几十万人。

May 15 2014 5:54PM
Will India's politicians deliver on their human rights promises this election?

The Indian elections are the largest voting exercise the world has ever seen. More than 550 million Indian voters have gone to the polls to elect a new government in the world’s largest democracy. The elections have been a potpourri of...

May 15 2014 5:46PM
[CHRB] June Fourth Crackdown Rolls On: Deprived Medical Care, New Detentions (5/9-15, 2014)

China Human Rights Briefing May 9-15, 2014 Contents Arbitrary Detention Rights Deprivations Intensifying in Crackdown Before June Fourth Anniversary Detainees in Beijing Denied Medical Care, Lawyers’ Visit Delayed, Journalist Seized 5...

May 15 2014 12:11AM
1989 Participant's Profile: Wu Xiangdong (吴向东),

Wu Xiangdong (吴向东), Worker in the Beijing Dongfeng Television Set Factory, a third year student in the night university's management division. After Students' hunger strike, Wu organised workers to support students. At around 11:00 p.m...

May 15 2014 12:01AM
Today in 1989: Third day of hunger strike

Third day of hunger strike. Gorbachev arrives in Beijing for the first Sino-Soviet summit since 1959. The government cancels plans to welcome Gorbachev at Tiananmen Square. # 八九六四 # 八九六四二五 # 89june4 # 八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月15日)学生绝食请愿进入第三天...