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Jun 28 2011 3:13PM
Police Accountability in Scotland

I see that Margaret Mitchell MSP is leading the Member’s Debate in the Parliament tomorrow on moves to merge the Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland with the Public Services Ombudsman This feeds into a wider consideration of...

Jun 27 2011 3:58PM
China UK visit: talk of trade mustn’t mean silence on human rights

David Cameron meets Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao today as part of Mr Wen’s 3-day visit to the UK. There were always going to be two issues to discuss and they’ve both been mentioned in media reporting so far: trade and human rights. Some...

Jun 25 2011 10:52PM
A partial list of disappeared individuals under the Chinese regime (25 June 2011)

Hundredsof people have been detained, arrested, or ‘disappeared’ by the Chinese regimesince February. The list also includes Tibetan, Uighur and Chinese prisoners ofconscience whose situation has worsened in the recent crackdown...

Jun 24 2011 9:15PM
ACTION: Protest Wen Jiabao in UK 26-27 June

ChinesePremier Wen Jiabao is due to visit the UK between 25 and 27 June, and will be meeting David Cameron in London on 27 June for a UK-China Summit. This meeting provides the British Prime Minister with the perfect opportunity of...

Jun 24 2011 2:28PM
Smashing the Twitter nut with a Kuwaiti sledgehammer

Like a lot of people, I’ve occasionally been guilty of tweeting in haste and repenting at leisure. When I say repent, I mean: feel slightly embarrassed that I’ve sent a tweet marred by a spelling mistake or containing a faulty link...