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Oct 30 2014 10:48PM
USA: Jacqueline Montanez and Life Imprisonment Without Parole

Imagine being condemned to spend the rest of your life in prison when you were still a child. Imagine being just 15 years old, and knowing you will never be free again. We all change so much as we grow up, but no matter what you did or...

Oct 29 2014 12:33PM
'I am trying to make a change for the future': El Salvador's youth activists

When I was growing up, I was told that abortion was illegal. In school, you were taught about abortion from a religious perspective – that abortion is wrong. At first, I believed this. But I’ve had friends who got pregnant after they...

Oct 28 2014 2:06PM
Is there ever a justification for leaving people to drown in the Med?

Why do people leave their homes, travel by foot many hundreds of miles, risk attack, exploitation, starvation and hunger, to board rickety, crowded boats (the kind that are known to have sank previously , killing hundreds of people in...

Oct 27 2014 2:39PM
Kincora Boys' Home: Inquiry is a betrayal of the abused

What is distinctive about the allegations surrounding Kincora Boys’ Home is not that child abuse took place. Sadly, that was all too commonplace in many children’s homes. What is uniquely shocking about Kincora are the allegations that...

Oct 24 2014 10:26AM
Protests in Iranian Cities of Esfahan and Tehran Against Acid Attacks on Women

In recent days thousands of people took to the streets to protest against recent chain of acid attacks on women in the city of Esfahan. Reports, films and photos on facebook shows people's anger at the inability or reluctance of the...