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May 17 2019 2:17PM
IDAHOBIT Spotlight: Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, Founder of UK Black Pride

Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, Founder of UK Black Pride Pronouns: She/her So much of the work we do at UK Black Pride is about ensuring the unique and specific experiences of queer people of colour are acknowledged, amplified and understood. We...

May 15 2019 10:14AM
Juliet Stevenson on International Day of Families

Becoming a mother changed Juliet Stevenson's perception of the world. For International Day of Families, Juliet writes about the moments that child refugees, separated from their families and living in the UK, miss every day.

May 10 2019 1:14PM
The UK’s biggest ever celebration of refugees and football

A record-breaking 170 football clubs came together for Amnesty’s third Football Welcomes weekend to celebrate the contribution players with refugee backgrounds make to the game

May 1 2019 5:32PM
Syrian torture survivors are fighting back

By Kristyan Benedict - AIUKs Crisis & Tactical Campaigns Manager. Twitter - KreaseChan “What is a laptop?” The man I was sitting with just off Taksim Square in Istanbul asked this apparently bizarre question after experiencing his new...

Apr 25 2019 4:29PM
AGM Report Back

If you have not been to an Amnesty International AGM before you really should make the time to go, for reasons that I hope will become clear in this short report. We pitched up on the morning of Saturday April 13 th for two days of...