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Aug 21 2015 4:08PM
Disciplined for toothpaste and Vanity Fair? Send a message of support to Chelsea Manning

A tube of expired toothpaste. Caitlyn Jenner’s infamous Vanity Fair magazine cover. Cosmopolitan magazine. Malala Yusafsai’s autobiography. The US Senate Report on Torture. What do all of these things have in common? They have all been...

Aug 21 2015 11:18AM
A deal in Calais, but the UK must do more

Europe’s refugee ‘crisis’ continues to dominate headlines. This week, EU external border agency Frontex reported a record number of 107,500 people had arrived at Europe's borders irregularly – that is without permission and via...

Aug 14 2015 11:43AM
Women's rights at risk in Iran: learning about the reality at the Houses of Parliament

In May, human rights defender Narges Mohammadi was arrested in Iran. Though she has poor health and doctors have said that she is too ill to be in jail, she remains at Tehran’s Evin Prison. On 14 July, I joined rights activists and...

Aug 13 2015 6:18PM
Seven must-see human rights documentaries on Netflix

Don’t leave your Netflix account to grow old and dusty – there are plenty of opportunities for an informative evening of entertainment. We've picked seven unmissable human rights related films and documentaries to get stuck into. 1...

Aug 13 2015 10:55AM
Amnesty's top summer reads for children

Fancy spending your summer with a smelly dog? Or maybe you’d rather spend it exploring ancient city woodlands? Or maybe even embarking on a daring adventure to post-Civil War America? For whatever it is that piques your child’s...