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May 28 2015 6:58PM
MEPs vote to stop the conflict minerals trade in defiance of industry lobbying

On 20 May, the European Parliament took us all by surprise by voting in favour of a strong and binding law to tackle the deadly trade in conflict minerals. The trade in resources – such as gold, diamonds, tantalum, tin and coal...

May 28 2015 9:53AM
Education without Discrimination: Roma Children's Rights in the Czech Republic

During a workshop at Amnesty UK's AGM in April we asked people to pick their top 10 articles from the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is not an easy task. The Convention, has 54 articles, the first 42 setting out rights for...

May 27 2015 5:53PM
Five human rights issues to look out for following the Queen’s Speech

1. Human rights in the UK Much has been said about the Human Rights Act in the past couple of weeks – and today we could have faced a direct commitment to scrapping it imminently. Instead the government ‘will bring forward proposals...

May 27 2015 4:24PM
Robes, rods and our basic human rights

UPDATE: 11.30am, 28 May 2015 Thank you – nearly 7,000 of you emailed your MP in less than 24 hours to ask them to defend the Human Rights Act in the Homes Affairs debate on the Queen’s Speech today. This action is now closed as the...

May 27 2015 3:12PM
If you do one thing on 14 June go to see The Look of Silence

In 2013 I wrote enthusiastically that you should go and watch The Act of Killing – an extraordinary documentary that asked members of Indonesia’s ‘death squads’ to re-enact their violence in the style of their favourite films. It was...