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Aug 6 2010 2:07PM
8888 recurring

This Sunday, marks the anniversary of theinfamous 8/8/88 protests in Burma, wherein droves of people, many of themstudents, took to the streets of Rangoon to demand democracy. The peacefulprotests were brutally put down, by the ruling...

Aug 5 2010 1:14PM
Diamonds are a girl's best friend...

… Or so they say. I’m not too sure that Naomi Campbell – this morning at least – was thinking that as she stood to testify at Charles Taylor’s trial at The Hague about rough diamonds which the former Liberian President was alleged to...

Aug 5 2010 12:57PM
Im a human fly and I dont know why .

One thing David Cameron and me have in common - probably the only thing - is that this week we’ve both been in Italy. OK, he’s been there to discuss the global economy, trade, and Afghanistan with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi...

Aug 5 2010 12:33PM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  July 27- August 2, 2010

Highlights Authorities Move Forward with “Inciting Subversion” Case against Democracy Activist Liu Xianbin: In the past week, CHRD learned that the case against Sichuan democracy activist Liu Xianbin (刘贤斌) had been transferred to the...