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Sep 10 2015 5:20PM
Iran: don't execute Salar, juvenile offender

By Lisa Incledon, Children's Human Rights Network Salar Shadizadi was just fifteen years old when he was charged with the murder of a friend and sentenced to death. He was detained by the Iranian authorities, denied access to a lawyer...

Sep 8 2015 6:08PM
March with us to show solidarity with refugees on 12 September

By Ros Ereira, organiser of the Solidarity with refugees march , supported by Amnesty I don’t know what it is that convinces leaders to stand up and do the right thing. I’ve been on marches before with many thousands of people, and...

Sep 7 2015 1:50PM
Syria: Could the UN Break the Siege of Douma?

by Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty International UK - @KreaseChan Douma, like many besieged and bombed parts of Syria, has slipped out of the mainstream news again. The humanitarian catastrophe there is still very much a reality though and...

Sep 4 2015 5:04PM
Sudanese young women face flogging for wearing trousers

By Sophia Blake, Children's Human Rights Network When I was 15 I went through a (thankfully brief) phase of wearing all blue outfits. Blue top, blue boots, I even had blue mascara. It might be embarrassing to admit to now but I imagine...

Sep 3 2015 12:00PM
Tell David Cameron – refugees are welcome

Update 7 September: Due to the huge amount of public pressure , the Prime Minister has bowed to pressure and agreed to accept 20,000 more Syrian refugees over the next five years. This is a step forward but does nothing to help the...