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Highlights “Jasmine” Crackdown Continues as Veteran Activist Zhu Yufu is Arrested: Pro-democracy activist Zhu Yufu (朱虞夫) was formally arrested this week for “inciting subversion of state power” by officials in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang...
I saw a film this week. It was a tragedy (you’re not the only one who can spoil the endings Niluccio ) and has haunted me since. It was a film about a father. A father who used to play his son at tennis. A father who has got a mantle...
FormerLawyer, Handicapped from Torture, is CriminallyDetained (Chinese Human RightsDefenders, April 14, 2011)Housing rights activist and former lawyer Ni Yulan (倪玉兰) has been criminallydetained in Beijing for “creatinga disturbance,”...
It's becoming almost passé to mention it (very 2005 ) but sometimes you realise the whole "war on terror" issue still has the capacity to hit home hard. At least that's sort of what I experienced watching parts of "Essential Killing"...
The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the world’s most forgotten conflicts. An estimated 5.4 million have lost their lives in the last 15 years , most through preventable disease and malnutrition unleashed by the conflict. That is...