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Nov 10 2010 8:04AM
Nasrin Sorudeh, human rights lawyer on dry hunger strike

Nasrin is the mother of two young children. She is the defence lawyer to many juvenilles on death row. She has been in detention for committing no crfime in a country where criminals are free and honest lawyers are in jail. In...

Nov 9 2010 1:33PM
Damn wrong!: Bush on waterboarding

It’s a blast from the past, and not a very pleasant one at that. George W Bush’s remarks justifying waterboarding in interviews to promote his memoir are … frankly, appalling. Here’s a bit from today’s Times: Asked if he authorised the...

Nov 8 2010 1:29PM
Are Lib Dems downplaying human rights in China?

There are some things in life you expect as a given. Night follows day, rain on Bonfire Night, and the Liberal Democrats supporting human rights. But wait a minute, what was this on the Today programme this morning , none other than...

Nov 7 2010 6:40PM
Child Trafficking.

Here's a story I did for Scotland On Sunday today about child trafficking to the UK. The article focuses on the particularly disturbing story of a Nigerian girl trafficked to Scotland recently.

Nov 7 2010 10:59AM
Peaceful protest in Paris - not permitted

You might think that in France the right to peaceful protest would be respected. No, not if the protest might irritate Hu Jintao , the visiting Chinese leader. The protestors were urging the release of Liu Xiaobo, awarded the Nobel...