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It’s taken a while, but tomorrow could signal the start of change in the secretive state of North Korea. Tomorrow, the ruling Workers’ Party are expected to anoint Kim Jong-un as the country’s new leader. The 27-year-old will replace...
The following link will take you to an article of mine published by Al Jazeera. It documents the role of former terrorists in Northern Ireland in changing contentious paramilitary murals as part of the peace process. http://english...
1st Update on UA 181/10 USA Teresa Lewis (f) Teresa Lewis, a woman assessed as having "borderline mental retardation", was executed by lethal injection in Virginia, USA, on the evening of 23 September for the murder of her husband and...
It is three years on from the iconic “Saffron Revolution” when protestors swept through the streets of Burma. The world watched with bated breath, as footage captured by brave and clandestine reporters revealed the largest show of...
Highlights Young AIDS Activist Goes on Trial: AIDS activist Tian Xi (田喜) was tried for “intentional destruction of property” in Henan Province on September 21. About a hundred netizens and activists arrived to show their support...