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If you've got a spare fiver then please donate to the following appeal by a Scottish charity which has been performing outstanding aid work in Haiti for some years now. I was in Port au Prince with them in 2006 and the living...
I actually thought I was still dreaming this morning when I heard that Google was going to stop censoring Internet search results in China (and, if necessary, pull out if the country altogether). But it’s true – you can read all about...
The Iraq war was illegal, the inquiry has found . No, not that inquiry in London so much in the news recently. This is a tribunal of seven judges in the Netherlands.
The attack and murder of Togolese footballers in Angola has drawn the attention of the media, yes even of the Sun. It is amazing how a link with football can make news. Lara Pawson writes in the Guardian that Cabinda should be kept in...
Sometimes the world of the media throws you a bit of a curve ball. And so it was today. What am I talking about? None other than the Daily Mail putting its weight behind a human rights pressure group campaigning against forced...