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Aug 4 2016 4:54PM
Lighting a candle for Here I Stand

By Sita Brahmachari, author Here I Stand is a collection of stories and poetry by Young Adult authors standing up for human rights under threat today. I was honoured to be invited to make a contribution about the plight of children in...

Aug 1 2016 3:22PM
Introduction, Here I Stand

By Jules Carey, human rights lawyer As the vastly outnumbered Scottish forces looked out over the looming ranks of the English army on a September morning in 1297, William Wallace, the Scottish knight and leader roared ‘They may take...

Aug 1 2016 11:22AM
Here I Stand against hate

Here I Stand is a new Amnesty collection of short stories and poems for young adults. It’s full of words and pictures that aren’t afraid to shine a light into the dark corners of modern, western society. We’re enormously proud of it...

Jul 13 2016 4:10PM
A new Prime Minister. A fresh start for human rights?

What a time to take over the reins of a country. Brexit fall out. A reported spike in hate crime , racism and xenophobia and a global refugee crisis in urgent need of political will and prioritisation… Welcome Theresa May. Welcome to...

Jul 13 2016 3:54PM
Tell the world: We stand together #againsthate

Recorded reports of hate crimes soared since the UK voted to leave the EU on 23 June. Hate crimes can have a devastating and long-lasting impact not only on victims but also on their communities. Our government has a responsibility to...