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Jun 18 2012 5:09PM
Health Practitioner, Activist and Prisoner of Conscience - Dr. Binayak Sen Speaks in Edinburgh

Blog by Domini Sowa (Amnesty International Scotland, Volunteer) Dr Binayak Sen does not look like a man for whom the term ‘seditious’ would be applicable. Yet the 62 year old public health practitioner, activist and prisoner of...

Jun 18 2012 3:59PM
Andrew Marr and the world beyond the UK

Andrew Marr interviews both the Dalai Lama and the International Development Secretary in the UK government, Andrew Mitchell, on BBC 1 on Sunday 24 June 2012 from 9 am. Last Sunday he interviewed Aung San Suu Kyi, the Burmese...

Jun 17 2012 12:53PM
Baaba Maal appeals for help against famine in Africa

Senegalese musician, Baaba Maal, has written in the Guardian about food shortages in west and central Africa and has started a petition on Avaaz . When the petition reaches 1 million it will be presented to world leaders in a joint...

Jun 16 2012 4:44PM
How Can the World Witness Such Brutality and Do Nothing?

How can we witness such brutality and do nothing? “From where he was hiding, a 5 year traumatised, yet brave boy told reporters how his younger brother and mother were shot by the soldiers and died. He said he even saw the army...

Jun 15 2012 6:54PM
How the Syrian Government could prove us wrong.

It’s the day after the launch of our new report on Syria and as with most of our high profile reports, I have spent a significant part of today discussing our approach to researching alleged human rights violations. Inevitably we have...