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Guest blog from Stephanie Weir, a sixth-former from Portadown College who has been on work experience with Amnesty International in Belfast this week. There is no denying that abortion is a complex issue, but forcing a woman to...
There’s a superstitious part of me, and a worried part of me. And both parts of me feared last Saturday: it marked thirteen years since Shaker Aamer was airlifted to Guantanamo. My fear is that in Congress, the fear-mongers who are...
The Indigenous people of the Chittagong Hills (CHT) are forbidden to talk to outsiders without security forces being present according to a new Bangladesh Government directive. ‘Outsiders’ includes people of their own country as well...
I recently visited Pakistan where I worked with a human rights organisation called Aware Girls, founded more than a decade ago by two sisters called Gulalai and Saba Ismail. Aware Girls is based in Peshawar, a sprawling city in the...
In November we asked you t o take action on behalf of Saman Naseem – a young Iranian man sentenced to death for offences allegedly committed when he was just 17 years old. It now appears that Saman could be executed as early as this...