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Jul 10 2019 11:42AM
Today in 1989: staged sit-in in Tiananmen Square

Students staged sit-in in front of the Great Hall of People and demanded to see members of the Standing Committee and show them the List of Seven Demands. But the authorities refused officially to reply to the demand. Some protesters...

Jul 10 2019 11:29AM
Today in 1989: March to Tiananmen

At 1pm, April 17, 1989, six or seven hundred students and teachers in University of Political Science and Law headed out of the campus toward Tiananmen Square. It was the first demonstration of 1989. At 11pm, three thousand students in...

Jul 1 2019 11:48AM
Cycle Against Torture

This is a guest post from Moira Dunworth, a member of the Edinburgh group of Freedom from Torture. Freedom from Torture is the only UK-based human rights organisation dedicated to the treatment and rehabilitation of torture survivors...

Jun 27 2019 11:59AM
Fifty years after Stonewall riots: Pride, protest and a hunger for equality

To mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall riots this weekend, Amnesty Scotland are sharing this blog post written by Caroline Courtney , who works as a digital campaigner at the Amnesty International Secretariat. Fifty years...

Jun 25 2019 4:38PM
Women’s safety is a political issue, not a private matter

After neighbours call the police after an argument between PM-hopeful Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds, is privacy a political issue? When it comes to ending violence against women, there are no secrets, and no closed doors.