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Aug 18 2008 4:14PM
What it's like to be locked up as a 'terror suspect'

There’s an amazing article from Hicham Yezza on the Guardian’s CiF site today. He’s the young man from Nottingham University who was arrested and held for six days without charge on suspicion of the "instigation, preparation and...

Aug 17 2008 12:38AM
London Protest on 16 August 2008

London Protest on 16 August 2008

Aug 16 2008 12:28AM
Omagh remembered: still no justice

I am too young to remember where I was when I heard Kennedy was shot, but I will never forget the growing horror with which I listened to the car radio ten years ago today as I headed south on holidays with Rachel, my then girlfriend...

Aug 15 2008 3:39PM
Proud of protests

Another day and another Briton is arrested in Beijing for mounting a pro-Tibet demonstration. Philip Kirk, along with Australian-Canadian Nicole Rycroft, scaled a hoarding outside the China Central Television building. Worringly, this...

Aug 14 2008 6:56PM
Who Are The Main Beneficiaries Of Bloody Olympics And Chinas Development Model?

The Communist Party (the CCP) regime killed thousands of people, tortured half million of petitioners, arrested tens of thousands of human rights defenders, brutally evicted millions of people without compensation or fair when Beijing...