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Just as soon as we get this Festival nonsense out of the way. Yes, with 34 events and two exhibitions the Edinburgh Festival is rather dominating life in Amnesty's Scottish office at the moment. There's also a daily Festival blog...
OK so it’s like that is it! The Chinese authorities may have relented and unblocked our website , but as an organisation we have been banned from China for years, and frankly anyone brave enough to speak out about human rights in the...
The Daily Telegraph today reports (somewhat gleefully) on the declining membership of the Labour Party and the UK's political parties genrally. Labour Party member numbers are down from a 1997 high of 405,000 to only 177,000 today...
It really doesn’t feel like a year to me. And I’m living in the UK. I bet that the people of Darfur are really struggling to believe that it was a year – a whole year, since the UN Security Council agreed to deploy the world’s largest...
So, the countdown to the Games is now in single figures, the athletes are arriving at Beijing’s glossy new airport, and China is ratcheting up yet another broken promise to its ever-increasing list . Today it’s been revealed that the...