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Jul 30 2008 9:24AM
BAE and Serious Fraud Office - the latest

I have the view that the Serious Fraud Office should investigate allegations of serious fraud – the clue to what they should be doing is in the name of the organisation! The government appealed against the legal ruling that the Serious...

Jul 29 2008 4:45PM
Tatchell: Iris Robinson has united the gay community

Peter Tatchell and last night's Amnesty International Pride Lecture have been at the centre of something of a Northern Ireland media storm for the last couple of days. Peter, with his widely reported comments on Iris Robinson MP, King...

Jul 29 2008 2:15PM
Chinas broken Olympic promises

Today marks the start of the ten-day countdown to the Olympic Games in Beijing and Amnesty has been studying the Chinese authorities’ human rights performance very carefully since they won the right to host the Games back in 2001. We...

Jul 28 2008 1:06PM
King Billy: an early champion of gay rights?

You have to hand it to Peter Tatchell . The veteran gay rights campaigner – who will be giving the Amnesty International Pride Lecture this evening – really knows how to maximise media attention. In the wake of Iris Robinson MP's...

Jul 28 2008 12:46PM
Baha Mousa changed my weekend

This weekend the sun was out, the sky was blue, and your Amnesty press officer was dashing round like a mad thing. The reason? Baha Mousa, the Joint Committee on Human Rights , and a little dash of Iran. For those who don’t remember...