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Jul 22 2008 10:10PM
Tom Paine and The Rights of Man

It may soon be the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , but December 10th 1948 – albeit a massively significant moment – was not the starting point for human rights. We could have a long argument about...

Jul 22 2008 4:13PM
Karadic Arrested what now?

After more than twelve years on the run, Radovan Karadzic – who stands accused of crimes against humanity and genocide for his role in the appalling abuses in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the early nineties – has been arrested. The...

Jul 21 2008 1:33PM
FAC me, can we believe a word they say?

I think it would be fair to say that the nation is rarely riveted to the Parliament Channel. Aside from the very punchiest Punch and Judy moments of PMQs, it doesn’t really have too many watercooler moments. Or any. But human rights...

Jul 18 2008 4:48PM
Seeking closure

Supporters of the death penalty often claim that it’s a way of achieving “closure” for relatives of the victims of the crimes concerned. I know, “closure” is a terrible Americanism but let’s not get into that right now.Of course, there...

Jul 17 2008 8:35PM
'Outsourcing abuse'

There is a lot to be said for 'bringing human rights home'. I personally believe that, as individuals and humans, we have the moral authority to criticise other countries and others' governments for human rights abuses. If this was not...