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May 23 2008 3:39PM
It's good to talk......

Last week I met with some Chinese students living inEdinburgh, as part of a round-table discussion about China and its portrayal inthe Scottish media and in society generally. The three students who took part were amongst those who...

May 23 2008 2:19PM
Dont Tase me bro

Guess what happened to me last weekend? Give up? Well, I was clamped by private clampers on an allegedly “private” road near my Kwik-Fit garage (just to get a bloody MOT!). Four and half hours later I’m still there trying to resolve...

May 23 2008 1:28PM
The fight for justice in Guatemala...

I visited Guatemala in 2006 to interview Fredy Peccerelli, executive director of the Guatemalan Foundation of Forensic Anthropology, for an article for The Guardian's G2.

May 23 2008 2:00AM
What b0llix got Number 1? Let me guess Bono

Meant to blog this before now, but was reminded to do so yesterday as I witnessed former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern being awarded an honorary doctorate in law by Queen's University Belfast. Tony Blair got one too (by video!), as a tribute...

May 23 2008 12:56AM
Gore Vidal: in his own words #2

"Do you know they got rid off the Magna Carta, about six months ago?" – Gore Vidal. I previously blogged on the inestimable Gore Vidal and quoted some of his famous words from down the years. C4 News' Jon Snow interviewed the writer...