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Apr 4 2008 9:26AM

Today we visited a UNHCR centre at 'President Bridge' in Damascus where registered refugees come to collect food and supplies. Once every two months people are allocated a food ration of rice, tea, oil, sugar, lentils rice and pasta...

Apr 3 2008 10:12PM
I have been to the mountaintop...

Martin Luther King Jr is a hero of mine. He had a belief in the dignity of man and made this real through his practice of nonviolence as a means of social change. Forty years ago today, he gave his "I have been to the mountaintop"...

Apr 3 2008 2:16PM
Reclaiming 'honour'

The sickening death of Banaz Mahmod is widely covered today. This, you’ll remember, is the case of the young Kurdish woman who was killed by members of her family in London for the “crime” of having a lover her family didn’t approve of...

Apr 1 2008 3:12PM
IRAQ REFUGEE CRISIS - A diary from Damascus.

I'm in Damascus for a week with photographer Angie Catlin to interview Iraqi refugees for a project we're working on in conjunction with the Scottish Refugee Council. Alas, hiccups from the outset. When we arrived at the airport last...

Apr 1 2008 3:10PM
It seems like the total destruction...

I admit my blogs seem to be following a bit of a ‘Bob’ theme. Dylan yesterday, Marley today… I promise it won’t be Monkhouse tomorrow. But in his song, ‘The Real Situation’ Bob Marley describes how many Jamaicans living in poorer inner...