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Mar 28 2008 11:39AM
The Orwell Prize for political writing

I have written before about George Orwell and some of his books on this blog. He aimed to write in a clear and powerful way and he had political ideas that he wanted to communicate in books such as 1984 . That book was published in...

Mar 28 2008 11:28AM
23 years waiting for justice in Bhopal

This week I joined a delegation of MSPs and organisations on a march from the Scottish Parliament to the Indian Consulate in Edinburgh. At only two miles it was a small gesture of solidarity with survivors of the 1984 Bhopal tragedy...

Mar 27 2008 10:30PM
Congo's forgotten war

Channel 4 News this evening had a report from Congo about a war that the world has forgotten. It is killing about 45 000 people a month.

Mar 27 2008 10:09PM
Channel 4 goes undercover in Tibet

Undercover in Tibet is a Channel 4 Dispatches programme shown at 8 pm on Monday 31 March 2008. A couple of brief clips from it can be seen on the internet. I watched the programme "Undercover in Tibet" earlier this evening. Tash Despa...

Mar 27 2008 1:45PM
Still Human, Still Here

"Shameful”, “inhumane”, “oppressive”, “indefensible”, “adversarial”, “wholly unjustified”, a “blemish” on Britain’s reputation, and treatment that falls "seriously below the standards to be expected of a humane and civilised society”...