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Mar 11 2008 1:09PM
School girls get a rough deal

Three reports which have been launched in the last week into the human rights of girls have left me feeling slightly depressed: Safer schools: Every Girls Right is an Amnesty International report exploring the experience of girls from...

Mar 10 2008 8:58PM
Torture - 1970s Northern Ireland; 21st century world

There’s a debate under way (I’ve joined in myself) over at the BBC NI-hosted blog, Will and Testament , about torture, the CIA and why “good people turn evil”. The debate is prompted by a book , interview and slideshow (horrific...

Mar 10 2008 4:30PM
A Week Is a Long Time in Amnesty

So a busy week last week in the Amnesty Office I have just cherry picked a few of the activities to give you a flavour. Monday saw the launch of Making the Grade Northern Ireland , Amnesty working as part of the End Violence Against...

Mar 10 2008 1:49PM
A stain that water will not wash off

Waterboarding and other “enhanced” interrogation techniques have been saved! On Saturday – in a move anticipated and feared by many observers – outgoing US President George W Bush bravely stepped in to preserve the CIA’s right to use...

Mar 9 2008 8:26PM
Olympics in Beijing

Prince Charles has announced that he will not be attending the Olympic Games in China. He did not state explicitly why he made this decision but is known to be a supporter of the Tibetan cause. Steven Spielberg says that his conscience...