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The film legend Sylvester Stallone has added another string to his bow. Clearly unhappy at being stereotyped as an all-action hero, he has now turned his sights firmly on becoming a human rights activist. In his latest film, Rambo IV...
We dont always say enough about photos in journalism in this blog - so today I will! First of all, the Guardians got an appalling one on its front page . Its of a massive crowd in Gaza carrying the dead body of a 21-month-old girl...
I don’t usually watch First Minister’s Questions. Its not that it isn’t entertaining. Alex Salmond obviously revels in the role and there’s usually at least one laugh-out-loud moment (sometime’s deliberate, often not). My problem is...
Youd have to search hard for it among all todays headlines about Prince Harry (including the Dailys Stars When Harry met Tali) but theres a story around today that we should all add to our lists of things to celebrate this weekend...
Theres a sporting theme to todays blog and all tied into Asia. In Thailand, the Manchester City owner stepped off a plane this morning and was immediately whisked away by the authorities and charged and not for crimes against football...