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Feb 11 2008 9:36AM
President McAleese learns human rights lesson

Irish President Mary McAleese was at Belfast’s Stranmillis Primary School on Friday. She was there to meet the children and staff and see them take part in the Lift Off human rights education initiative, a cross-border project led by...

Feb 8 2008 2:47PM
Takeaway rappers

Crazy Chef and Little Tiger. No, not two pre-merger roadside restaurants but a couple of Chinese rappers who, as the Times put it, are putting the bling in Beijing. Together with a chap called Kirby Li, they form Dragons Tongue - China...

Feb 8 2008 12:55PM

Imminent executionSAUDI ARABIA Sheikh Mastan (alias Mohammed Salim) (m) aged 30, married with one childHamza Abu Bakir, (m) aged 47, married with four childrenThe two men named above, both Indian nationals, are at risk of imminent...

Feb 6 2008 2:05PM
The stuff of life?

With Super Tuesday mania spilling into Wednesday a big US story has snuck out over CIA chief Michael Hayden admitting for the first time that Americas intelligence officials have been waterboarding prisoners held in the war on terror...

Feb 5 2008 4:32PM
Attacks on the Press

Sometimes when Im talking to a journalist I know, whos telling me (usually excitedly) about an impending trip to somewhere like Iraq or Somalia, Im tempted to say be careful. But it sounds a bit lame, so I dont. Next time I mightnt...