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Nearly 150 families have been thrown out of their temporary homes into the cold winters night in Grozny, Chechnya. And by cold I dont mean a bit chilly todays forecast is for snow, with a maximum temperature of -5 Celcius. The families...
News of more bloodshed, killings and chaos is coming from Kenya every day at the moment. Despite international mediators installed in the region to bring agreement between the two political leaders, the violence blazes on, leaving...
To read the papers, or listen to many of our other decision-makers or opinion formers, you would be forgiven for thinking that human rights relate to other people’s problems, generally in a far off place. So here in Scotland, a country...
This weekend has been a busy one for the press team. Its been a heady mix of dictators and violence. Terrible violent attacks and strife continues to flare up throughout Kenya. 19 people were burned to death yesterday after a mob of...