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Dec 13 2007 6:08PM
Whose liberties?

Human rights lawyer, John Fitzpatrick, gave an inspiring talk on 11 December 2007 at Belfast Exposed Photography . : Taking Liberties? Immigration Policy and the Law. The gallery, as Patrick advertised in his recent post on this blog...

Dec 13 2007 3:09PM
What's love got to do with it?

This has been the year of remembering the end of the Atlantic slave trade and the Daily Mail has got a big feature on the history of slavery today. We've all become used to talking about the horror of slavery - I remember when Roots...

Dec 12 2007 4:53PM
Asylum shockers

So in spite of the Governments promise in October to make special allowances for the Iraqi interpreters seeking asylum in the UK, only 75 out of the 200 who applied have been granted leave to remain according to The Times. Thats hardly...

Dec 12 2007 4:36PM
Lock em up and throw away the remote.

Dr Andrew McLellan, our <a data-cke-saved-href="" href="" _blank"="">Chief Inspector of Prisons, is by all accounts a decent...

Dec 11 2007 12:51PM

A former CIA man has spoken out about their use of waterboarding forcibly pouring water down a detainees throat to give the sensation that theyre drowning on terrorism suspects. Heres a (simulated) clip of what this technique looks...