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Dec 11 2007 8:37AM
Tasers: what the lawyers told the Chief Constable

I previously reported how PSNI Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde had decided to ignore the advice of the Equality Commission to conduct a proper equality impact assessment before deploying Tasers in Northern Ireland. This followed his...

Dec 10 2007 3:28PM
Happy Human Rights Day

A different blog today as we mark International Human Rights Day and look ahead to the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in a years time. The UDHR is the document that provides Amnesty International with its...

Dec 7 2007 4:14PM
Shocking moves

The Met Police today announced plans to start deploying tasers to non-firearms trained officers as of Monday. They are the last of ten forces around the UK to take part in this pilot scheme set up by the Home Office which began on 1st...

Dec 6 2007 4:44PM
Guantánamo's back

Guantánamo Bays back in the news, on a couple of fronts. First, we had The New York Times reporting yesterday that there had been another particularly horrible suicide attempt at the camp. The camp authorities say that a prisoner has...

Dec 6 2007 1:21PM
Taking Liberties: Immigration Policy and the Law

Local photography gallery and community initiative, Belfast Exposed, has a great looking event happening next Tuesday 11 December, when they welcome "human rights lawyer John Fitzpatrick to a public discussion in the gallery to talk...