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One of the most brutal genocide in human history has been created after 1949 in Mainland China. At least fifty millions people died from execution, hunger and torture, compared with the total figure for military and civilian death: 56...
Two stories today provide a pretty good illustration of the whole debate about freedom of speech. Very handy. The Mail reports that Brighton becomes first city to ban rap music that offends gays (their headline). While the Guardian...
Were launching a new film tonight in parliament, which aims to show MPs just how badly the UK is treating refused asylum seekers many of whom cant return home to countries that remain unsafe. Amnestys part of the Still Human, Still...
The totalitarian power of the CCP (Communist Party of China) continues to repress a growing civil society in China and cooperates with outside actors who benefit from the repression. The question is frequently mentioned: Where is China...
It doesnt come as a huge surprise to hear that the OSCE has reportedly declared Russias parliamentary elections unfair , following a win by bookies favourite the United Russia Party (of Vladimir Putin fame). In the run-up to the...