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Nov 22 2007 2:01PM
the cocktail for success?

So Israels sweetener to Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas ahead of next weeks peace talks are strawberries and armoured personnel carriers it would seem. Ehud Olmerts move to ease the trade embargo on Gaza by allowing Palestinian...

Nov 21 2007 1:51PM
Press under pressure

Regardless of what Heather Mills says about the media, they are often at the frontline when it comes to human rights, particularly in times of crisis. Amnesty today condemned the arrest of at least 100 journalists in Pakistan after...

Nov 20 2007 12:32PM
Burma monks leader faces death penalty

What price do you put on free speech and the right to peaceful protest? Sadly in Burma, the cost could well be life. In September, the All-Burma Monks Alliance was instrumental in getting thousands of monks onto the streets in pro...

Nov 19 2007 4:35PM
Come fly with me

One of the most contentious issues in the war on terror has been the extra-legal (is this different to being illegal?) detention of those suspected of involvement in terrorism . You remember all those American cop shows where they read...

Nov 19 2007 1:20PM
A Shock to the System

We were appalled at Amnesty by video footage that came out last week on YouTube, showing the last moments of a man who died after being stunned with an electro-shock Taser by police at Vancouver International Airport last month. The...