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After last weeks Saudi visit - and graphic evidence that neither the Queen or Parliament has yet chucked out the chintz - today weve got the Queens Speech . So, theres much media anticipation of the colourful ceremony, of men wearing...
The meaning of language is an amazing thing. On Saturday, President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan. What that actually meant in reality was clearly open to interpretation. His text talked of the need to...
I have been blogging here since June 2006. I decided to start the blog because I like to write and share my opinions in support of Amnesty International. I like the idea of using the internet to keep up with events and respond quickly...
Yesterday's Newsnight programme on BBC television had a report filmed undercover in Uzbekistan. The report showed that schools are closed and children taken by coach to the fields to pick cotton. Most of the cotton is exported and ends...
Cherie Blairs interview on the Today programme very much skirted the issue of the serious violations of womens rights in Saudi Arabia . While its great that she has flagged up the fact that womens rights need to be upheld within any...